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Not Everyone Will Be Interested In Your Novel

Do you love every book you've ever read?  My guess is, not. 

You may, like me, not even love every book by your favourite author!  And that's okay (no matter how guilty I sometimes feel about that). 

It's important to remember that you don't love every book, that not every story you read will draw you in, not every main character's journey will affect you deeply.  And the same can be said for your story 

Featured Images - Teamwork. Collaboration with other writers

How To Boost Your Marketing With Collaboration

One of the reasons I started to write marketing posts was because I saw so many writers who just froze at the very mention of marketing. I get it, marketing is awful. Especially for us creative. But it is necessary.

Marketing shouldn't be this huge scary task that overshadows everything. It is small steps you can take that build up. Now one way to get over the overwhelm of marketing, is through collaboration, which is today's topic 🙂

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10 Bitesize Marketing Ideas: A Guest Post By Ari Meghlen

I had the wonderful chance to be a guest writer over at The Naptime Author blog. I want to say a big thanks to Anne who kindly invited me to share some marketing thoughts with her readers.

So here is the article, enjoy this Monday Marketing post 😀

Hello, writers and readers! While I can claim a fair amount of useless knowledge, useful writerly things, such as branding and marketing, are far outside my ken. 

Thank goodness for others, like fellow blogger Ari Meghlen, who understand these mysteries, and are willing to share their knowledge! Ari has graciously agreed to visit today, and share 10 marketing tips. Enjoy!

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Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to Anne for having me on her blog, The Naptime Author.  I appreciate being given the chance to share my thoughts with all her lovely readers.  Now, let’s get to it!

Marketing is one of those words that most writers dread.  We aren’t really into tooting our own horns.   Our comfort lies in building worlds, spinning tales, breathing life into characters…so this “marketing” malarkey doesn’t sit well with us.

So, for those of you who are not sure where to begin…

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