How Important Is Flow?

How Important Is Flow?

If you caught last Friday’s post about Backing Up Your Work you will be aware that I set myself a deadline to do a huge paper purge (by booking a Shredding company to come to my house). Well, it worked, I charged through my paperwork like a bat outta hell!

And during this purge, I entered the state of Flow… something I’ve not done for a long time.

Image of playing cards falling. Text overlay reads: The Task Game

The Task Game

My brain doesn't always do what it's meant to.  Keeping it on track and focused is a full-time job because if I'm not careful, my crazy brain drifts off into daydream land or it is distracted by a shiny object or has a sudden urge to clean something before veering off to do other random things.  Because of this, I have to find ways to keep it engaged.

Image of text with the word Goal in bold and highlighted in pink. Text overlay reads: The problem with goals.

The Problem With Goals

If you know me, you'll be looking at that title, scratching your head and going 'You? You think there's a problem with goals?' because I love goals.  I, for a long time, shared Monthly Goals and Yearly Goals.  I still like goals, just as I like To-Do lists!  But that doesn't mean there is not still a problem with them, or at least, a problem with how we view and approach goals... let me explain.

The Path Of Least Resistance

I had a random epiphany recently.  It started when I woke up feeling rather manic and hyperactive.  During the hour my partner was away at an appointment, I got my usual chores done... then about 20 other things.  (It was a really good day!)  One of the things I managed to do was organise my bedside cabinet.  I was just wrapping up my headphones and popping them in their zippered case, to go in the top drawer when I realised, that was dumb! Let me explain...