From Myths To Monsters (Anthology)


The Supernatural Beings Anthology is back with Volume 2!  Enjoy new stories by eleven talented fantasy writers.

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I am honoured that my short story was chosen to be featured in this second volume Supernatural Beings anthology.  Read a short excerpt of my story below:

Book Aesthetic for Short Story Sanctuary by Ari Meghlen


by Ari Meghlen

   Melusia straightened up and tilted her head to the side, listening. It was hard to concentrate with the cold water lapping against her bare legs. But she was sure she had just heard a scream.

   One hand grasping a handful of her skirt to keep it out of the water, the other gripping tightly to the narrow-headed spear, she hesitated. The shallow stream she stood in bubbled noisily over the many smooth stones that squatted on the stream’s bed. Just a bird, she thought. The pippin-swallow had a screaming cry, though she hadn’t seen any for several seasons.

   With a shrug, Melusia turned back to the task at hand. Her sharp hazel eyes stared unblinking into the clear water, waiting, waiting… The spear shot down, a fast-killing blow. Yanking it out, she worked the fish off the end and threw it onto the bank beside the other six.

   With careful steps, she waded out of the chilly water and stomped up the grassy bank. Jabbing the spear’s point into the earth, Melusia knelt down and tied the fish together by their tails with strong twine before slinging them over one shoulder. 

   As she reached for her boots, a scream pierced through the peaceful woods. Above her, a cloud of birds flew from their boughs in fright. There was no mistaking that for a bird’s cry. Without thinking, she snatched up the spear and ran towards the sound…

The Authors of the Anthology

Mikki Noble   |   Dawn Christine Jonckowski   |   CM Chafin

Inka York   |   A Denner   |   Shannon A Hinder

Ari Meghlen   |   Abby Paul   |   Ryen Lesli

S. Nemo   |   Jessaca Willis

☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆

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