Be Part Of The Resource Team

Would you like to share your knowledge? Gain exposure?  Then join my Resource Team and write an article for A Writer’s Guide Series“.

I am looking for writers who have a skill or an occupation that writers might find interesting and/or useful.

These would be written up in articles to be stored on my blog under the series “A Writer’s Guide..” and would give other writers information should they need it for a character/occupation in their stories.

What I’m looking for


I would like these to be articles that are written clearly and explain important details, cover things like equipment needed, systems used, practices, step by step accounts, qualifications required etc.

Each article will need to be on a single topic.  So if you have several skills you’d like to write about I would like an individual article for each.

They will be reference articles for other writers as well as interest pieces for readers.


To make them easier to read I would need articles to be broken down into sections with headings to make finding the relevant information quicker.

For example, if I wanted an article from an Embalmer, I would be looking for headers similar to this:

  • Qualifications needed to become an embalmer
  • When embalming is performed
  • What equipment is used for embalming
  • How a body is prepared for embalming
  • What is the process for embalming a body
  • What special clothing (if any) is worn by the embalmer
  • Where embalming is performed
  • Any documentation that is required before embalming can proceed.

Word count

I am looking for good solid articles so I am happy to accept articles up to 4000 words.  I am happy for them to be shorter as I am looking for clear, concise articles.

If you feel the depth of your subject would require a longer article, it may be that it needs to be separated into two parts.  Which we can discuss.


All credit will be given to you the author of the article, including your name on the article and links to your website/social media at the bottom and a short (150-word bio) so that people can learn about you and follow you on your other sites.


If you have any pictures that can be useful to the article either just as a visual or as something to clarify a point, I will be happy to include them.

They must either be YOUR images or from a royalty-free site.  I cannot accept copyrighted pictures unless you have permission to use them.


Once you contact me I will let you know roughly the deadline.


As mentioned, once the article is uploaded onto the blog, it will then be linked on to the “A Writer’s Guide…” Page for people to find.  All articles will also be shared on my social media and Pinterest boards to increase exposure.


I ask that the articles not be uploaded directly into another online location as this can affect SEO and be viewed by Google spiders as a duplicate content.

However, once the articles go live on the blog, feel free to reblog or share them using the relevant share buttons at the bottom.


Articles will need to be approved by me before they are loaded onto the blog.


If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to leave me comments on this blog’s page or use the contact form below that will email me directly.