Looking For 10 More Writers

EDIT: We did it! We now have all 24 writers! Thank you so much, everyone!

I am still looking for more writers to join the Advent Calendar Story Project. Big thanks to those who have already joined. If you know anyone who might be interested in writing a flash fiction piece (up to 1,000 words) based on a theme (that will be supplied shortly… please send them to this post.

Photo of a green and red wooden Christmas train with the text overlay reading: Looking For 10 More Writers. AriMeghlen.co.uk

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If you don’t know what the Advent Calendar Story Train project is, keep reading – this covers all the details. I ran this project back in 2022 and it was awesome. With a single theme we had so many different stories created from it and people followed down the train!

Advent Calendar Story Train

You need to write a single, self-contained, flash fiction story, based on a specific theme that will be supplied.

Every writer will be given a date in December when their story needs to be published on their blog/website*.

At the bottom of the story, the writer will need include a link (these will be supplied) to the day before’s story and the next blog on the train where the following story will appear.

So, from the 1st – 24th December, there will be a new story to read every day.

As per last time, I will be creating a pinned page on my blog linking to all 24 short stories listed so at a pinch anyone can visit any story as it becomes live.


Before you decide to join this train, here are some details you need to be aware of:

The Stories

  • The stories do not have to connect to each other (except that they share a theme)
  • The theme will be supplied to all those participating in the train (the theme will be supplied at the end of May)
  • Your story must be in English
  • Your story must not exceed 1,000 words
  • Your story must not include extremely graphic scenes
  • Any genre is welcome (except erotica / graphic horror etc – see above point)

The Participants

  • You can still participate if you’ve never written flash fiction before, first timers welcome! Maybe give it a try! 🙂
  • You must have a blog* for your story to be uploaded too
  • You must be able to commit to completing your flash fiction by October at the latest – preferably by September (I’m starting this super early to give everyone lots of time)
  • This is a first come first serve system. However, I will include a waitlist, as last year some people were unable to complete their story.
  • Dates will be issued to people later in the year.
  • If you know someone interested in this feel free to share it with them.

* If you have a Wattpad, ko-fi page, or a Medium account you can list the story – this is also acceptable – but your story must be publically available.

As long as the story can be uploaded (preferably scheduled) on the specific date you are given and if links can be added to link to previous and following stories.

Are You Interested?

If so, please leave a comment below, with your name and the link to your blog* where the story will be uploaded. If for some reason you can’t leave a comment, use the Contact Form. If you are chosen, you will be informed by email.

Current Participants

  1. Ari Meghlen
  2. Rachel Poli
  3. Roberta
  4. Darlene Foster
  5. MorganRR Haze
  6. Marié Asano
  7. Curiosity A.T
  8. S. R. Severn
  9. Stanley Brownstone
  10. Chris Harvey
  11. Wilmar Luna
  12. Stephen Goodson
  13. Sam “Goldie”
  14. Suzanne Rogerson
  15. I. L. Cruz
  16. Brenda Marie Fluharty
  17. Tasha Haight
  18. Reece Nolan
  19. Amanda Steel
  20. Layla Todd
  21. M.J. Mallon
  22. Christopher Farley
  23. Holly Millward
  24. Cat

~ ~ ~

Really hope we can get a full train set up soon 🙂

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Happy writing & stay safe

Signature & logo of Ari Meghlen

tiny-ko-fi_icon_rgb_strokeI write articles on writing, marketing, blogging, organising, social media, books and some random stuff.  I also create free printable resources.  If you find my content helpful, and entertaining and like what I do, consider supporting me on ko-fi (where you will also find extra content I post). 

All donations go to keeping my website running and helping me move towards publishing my novels.

44 thoughts on “Looking For 10 More Writers

  1. Hi, Ari! Glad to be participating again this year. I think it’s a fabulous tradition. I see my name as 13th on the list. Does it mean I will be posting on December 13th, or have the dates not been assigned yet?

    1. Hi Goldie, sorry for the delay, I’ve been under the weather. I hadn’t set anyone dates yet. I put people against a number just for ease of tracking how many people I was outstanding.

      If there is a specific date in December or a specific day of the week you prefer, let me know. Where I can, I will try and accommodate people.

      Also, can you confirm you received the email regarding the theme and details?

      Finally, please note that the story does not have to be set in winter or at Christmas time .

      1. Yes, I received the theme email. No, there’s no special date I had in mind. Just trying to form a plan since it’s been difficult for me to get back into writing…

        Sorry to hear you didn’t feel well. Hope all is better now. Enjoy the summer!

      2. Glad to hear you received it. Looks like it was just a few where the email went wayward! lol

        If you have no specific date, I am happy for you to have the date your name is against in the list 🙂

        Thank you kindly. I am finally starting to feel like my old self again and not like I’m 100 years old! lol

      3. Ah! Yes, I found it in my Spam and I meant to email you but I guess I never got to it… Weird because I got your earlier one just fine…

        13th of December it is. Love that.

  2. Oh no, I missed this post completely. Been so busy I didn’t realise you were going for the advent train again this year. I wanted to try and take part this year. Oh well I’m sure you’ve filled it up by now but if not I’d really like the chance to take part if possible?

    1. Hi Cat, I have 1 space left! I’ve put your down 😀 Can you let me have your email address – I can’t seem to find it. If you don’t want to leave it in a comment, please use my contact form.

      1. Hi Cat, just want to check you got the email regarding the Theme and all the details – sent on the 31st May? A few people never received it, so I want to just check in with everyone

        Also, please note that the story does not have to be set in Winter or Christmas time even though they will go live in December.

      2. Hi Ari, no worries I did get your email, sorry I didn’t reply about it yet, I’ve just been a bit busy as I’m slowly packing for a house move. But thank you and I’m now brainstorming ideas for the story based on the prompt. Hope I’ll be able to write something decent enough. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Looking For 10 More Writers – Reece M. Nolan

  4. Holly Zollinger Millward

    If there’s still room, I would love to participate! Full disclosure: We corresponded several years ago when you were running the Merry Writer daily writing games/prompts on Twitter. I haven’t been enormously active on my blog or socials for the last few years due to promotion at corporate work, but I’m getting ready to release a new book and looking to come back online with my writing this year! http://www.hollymillward.com

    1. I remember you from when we did the Twitter game. So nice to see you again and thanks for joining the Train! We are so close. 😀 Just one more slot to fill.

    1. Hi Christopher, thanks for reaching out! Yes, we still have 3 slots left so I’ll add you to one of those.

      The theme will be shared at the end of May. Please can you let me have an email address – if you don’t want to leave it in a comment, please go to my contact page and send it that way.

      It’s just easier to send out details and reminders to every participant via email.

      Thanks again for joining the Advent Calendar Story Train. Glad to have you on board.

    1. Hi Layla

      Please could you let me have your email address for the Advent Calendar Story Train? It’s easier to email all participants with additional details and reminders.

      If you dont want to put your email in a comment (totally understand) please visit my Contact Page and fill in the form so I am emailed your email address and I can add it with the other participants.

      Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Marje, thanks for reaching out. I’ve added you to the list. I’ll be in touch at the end of May with the theme.

      Please can you let me have your email? If you don’t want it visible in a comment, please go to my Contact page and use the form. It’s just easier for me to communicate details and reminders to everyone re the advent story train via email.


    1. Hi Amanda, thanks for reaching out! Lovely to see another writer from the North of England. 🙂 I’ve added you to the list and will be in touch towards the end of May with the theme for the flash fiction.

      1. Hi, thank you for reaching out. I will add you to the list – I noticed on your website you go by Reece now. Would you prefer me to use the name Reece Nolan?

      2. smburgessauthor

        Yes, thank you. My old pseudonym was too edge-lord, not enough actual writing lol

      3. Hi Reece

        Please could you let me have your email address for the Advent Calendar Story Train? It’s easier to email all participants with additional details and reminders.

        If you dont want to put your email in a comment (totally understand) please visit my Contact Page and fill in the form so I am emailed your email address and I can add it with the other participants.

        Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Tasha, thanks for reaching out. Love your website! I’ve added you to the list and will be in touch at the end of May with the Theme the Flash Fiction has to have.

    2. Hi Tasha
      Please could you let me have your email address for the Advent Calendar Story Train? It’s easier to email all participants with additional details and reminders.

      If you dont want to put your email in a comment (totally understand) please visit my Contact Page and fill in the form so I am emailed your email address and I can add it with the other participants.

      Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Brenda, thanks for reaching out. I am happy to add you to the list for creating a Flash Fiction story for the Advent Calendar Story train. I’ll be emailing everyone with the Theme by the end of May.

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